High Voltage Hot Rods

Here is a possible future segment of hot rodding:

High Voltage Hot Rods

    In a changing world, it seems that hot rodders have been both on the cutting edge of adapting new tech to old cars, and on the porch in their rocking chair complaining of kids and their dang new cars. There are many flavors of hot rodding, custom cars and restoration, but they all feed and build off of one another. It's natural to be resistant to change, we all sometimes feel that way.
   There are a heck of a lot of humans on planet earth today, which depending on your point of view can be good or bad, but the reality is that we are seeing people become specialists in very very unique fields of technology. That means we have people making their life's work out of very interesting things that have the potential to really change the way we live as a society.
    Do we need a change from our current transportation infrastructure? Probably. But that change won't come by complaining about how terrible things are now; good changes come because of hard working people dedicating their life to moving us forward in a positive direction. The breakthrough new ideas come to those who have prepared themselves to receive them. Better new ideas make their way into everyday life naturally and organically to replace current or outdated ways currently in use.
    It's tough to fight the river current. Think of all the great figures of the world- how did they accomplish so much? They just did what had to be done without complaint, they did what they thought was right, and they followed their gut.
   I'm very interested to see where the future of this goes. I restore cars and equipment because I love preserving our history. I love hot rodding because I enjoy the ingenuity and creativity of the human mind. I'm fascinated by technology because I wonder where it might take us someday.
  I think they can all get along :-)

