Upgrading your A, B or E body Mopar to use 73-76 A-body disc brakes is easy and surprisingly affordable. There are numerous write ups on the subject if you search the web. I've done this swap many times and I highly recommend it.
When you do this swap, if you use the 10.87" rotors (stock A-body size), you can still keep your 14" wheel size if you desire a factory look. In fact all A-bodies with factory discs came with 14'' wheels. However, all 14" steel wheels are not created equal. Almost all early 14" steel wheels will rub the caliper on a disc brake application. The later wheels have a different profile to accommodate the caliper. The change happened sometime in the late 60's to accommodate increasing popularity of disc brakes. To further complicate matters, Chrysler used various suppliers for wheels including Kelsey-Hayes and Motor Wheel so there are also some differences between manufacturers. Like everything Mopar, they used what they had on hand, so you will likely find a wide use of either type during the changeover period. All 15" wheels should clear disc brakes unless using a large aftermarket rotor. When swapping on disc brakes always check, then DOUBLE CHECK caliper to wheel clearance, brake hose and line routing and all bolt torque specifications. Your life depends on it!!
When you do this swap, if you use the 10.87" rotors (stock A-body size), you can still keep your 14" wheel size if you desire a factory look. In fact all A-bodies with factory discs came with 14'' wheels. However, all 14" steel wheels are not created equal. Almost all early 14" steel wheels will rub the caliper on a disc brake application. The later wheels have a different profile to accommodate the caliper. The change happened sometime in the late 60's to accommodate increasing popularity of disc brakes. To further complicate matters, Chrysler used various suppliers for wheels including Kelsey-Hayes and Motor Wheel so there are also some differences between manufacturers. Like everything Mopar, they used what they had on hand, so you will likely find a wide use of either type during the changeover period. All 15" wheels should clear disc brakes unless using a large aftermarket rotor. When swapping on disc brakes always check, then DOUBLE CHECK caliper to wheel clearance, brake hose and line routing and all bolt torque specifications. Your life depends on it!!
This is an early 14'' steel wheel. Note the approximately 45 degree angle of the drop center part of the rim. The rusty line is caliper rub from being inappropriately installed on a disc brake car.
This is a late 14" steel wheel compatible with disc brakes. Note the steeper angle and wider area behind the drop center.
This is a 14" Rallye wheel. Most Rallye wheels I have seen are disc brake compatible, as discs became a popular factory option by the time Rallye wheels came out in 1970.
This is a 14" "Chrome Styled Road Wheel" or "Magnum 500" wheel. Most will accommodate a disc brake caliper, but check to be sure!
Keep these differences in mind when considering the wheels you want to use after swapping in discs. Also, don't forget to check all wheels for excessive run-out! Especially before expensive painting or powder coating!
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